Business Coaches Network

Don’t believe the hype: building a successful turnkey business coaching practice can take years to do right. But we’re here to help you do just that! SGN has put in the work and developed the proven tools to help you build a fulfilling 6-figure business coaching practice with freedom and Flexibility.

    An Opportunity to Change Lives

    Putting in the work to grow your own coaching business is daunting. It can take years to build a curriculum that is proven to work and ready to use - not to mention the time it takes to set up effective onboarding, offboarding, and client management systems. Even beyond that, it takes some legwork to locate the right coaching, scheduling, and automation tools. And all of this is even before you start working on building up a client base and marketing your services!

    Luckily, we have a track record of helping BIPOC entrepreneurs succeed in business, sharing the strategies and the turnkey tools that will help you reach sustainable success.

    At SGN Coaches Academy, you’ll quickly learn how to use our diagnostic tools, assessments, coaching systems, and more. You’ll gain access to dozens of tried-and-true lesson plans, training materials, worksheets, planners, and guides. You’ll participate in a rigorous co-coaching phase alongside other Sistahbiz coaches, complete with feedback cycles for every round of sessions. This will also give you access to the same tools that our coaches use with our clients on a daily basis, helping them go from solopreneurs to 6- and 7-figure business bosses.

    Gain all the benefits of running your own coaching practice without all of the back office shenanigans and marketing burdens that would come with going it alone. Even better, you’ll also gain access to dozens of new leads plus all the benefits of membership in the SGN Coaches Network. Overall, our coaches can earn over 6 figures working for our network.


    Who Are We Looking For?

    • You are a business coach or consultant who has a track record of success with clients
    • You are a mid 6-figure entrepreneur with coaching, training, and/or consulting experience
    • You are interested in being trained on and certified to use a turnkey curriculum and system
    • You love coaching others toward success, but not managing the back end of a coaching business
    • You have years of experience in facilitation, adult training, group coaching, and/or leadership development
    • You have a special interest and experience in working with Entrepreneurs of Color
    • You are willing to provide at least 4 pro bono coaching sessions a month

    Become an SGN Business Coach
    in Just 12 Weeks!

    SGN coaches gain access to our full business coaching and training curriculum, which includes business assessments, diagnostic tools, lesson agendas, and a comprehensive digital library. Coaches can be certified to use this curriculum in 12 weeks.

    The certification process entails:

    • An interview to be accepted into the Coaches Academy
      We’re looking for highly motivated, self-directed individuals who are ready to show up, learn to use our tools and platforms, and build new connections. This interview stage helps us gauge whether applicants will be a good fit for the rigorous Coaches Academy and entry into the Coaches Network afterward.
    • A 3-day Weekend Coaches Retreat
      Candidates who pass the initial interview will be invited to a retreat where new coaches meet their cohort, receive an overview of the certification process and all it entails, and prepare a game plan for the month.
    • 90 days of observed sessions and feedback rounds
      Participants move into a hands-on phase, conducting coaching sessions and working closely with an advanced SGN Coach who will provide tailored feedback and support with accessing and leveraging coaching and training tools.
    • Pass a final assessment interview
      This interview is the culmination of our certification process. In a final assessment interview, trainees will be  assessed on their approach and efficacy in our coaching community.
    • Certification
      Successful participants will be certified as SGN Coaches! They are now ready to delivering impactful coaching and training services for BIPOC entrepreneurs in our core Sistahbiz programs and other business-serving organizations who have hired SGN to train and coach their entrepreneurs.

    Back Office Support so You Can Focus on Coaching

    Here at SGN Coaches Academy, we provide the following back office support so that you can focus on getting your coaching game on:


    A coaching platform
    SGN Coaches and their clients gain access to our coaching platform that automates away the drudge work, freeing up coaches to do the work they really care about. The platform includes tools to track progress and manage coaching plans, timely reminders to maintain momentum, a running record of results, materials & insights and a mobile app for keeping up on the go.


    An automated scheduling system
    Clients can purchase services, complete onboarding paperwork and schedule their own meetings without needing you to walk them through every step. It can also make sure you don’t double-book or over-extend your business.


    A commission-based, contract opportunity system
    Every coach has different availability and this opportunity is flexible, allowing coaches to coach full-time, part-time or use the SGN coaching opportunity to support their main practice.


    A robust community of BIPOC coaches 
    Our network of coaches offers a community of other coaches who work together to make sure BIPOC entrepreneurs win. We share tools, plan and strategize for our clients collaboratively, and provide continued professional development opportunities!

    A Community of Black Women That Lift You Up

    Coaching is more than just tools, of course: it’s also about building rapport and community, as well as demonstrable skills. And here at Sistahbiz, we understand that coaches themselves also deserve community - a belief that you’ll find reflected in multiple ways.

    A cohort of other BIPOC coaches
    BIPOC business coaches service the most underserved group of entrepreneurs in the nation. Having a community who understands that struggle can be transformative. Your cohort of fellow coaches can offer informal advising, an understanding ear, support for any roadblocks, and celebration for your well-deserved successes!

    Increased reach, recognition, and opportunities
    You’re a subject matter expert (SME), sis, and you deserve to be known for it! By participating in ourCoaches Network, you’ll gain increased reach and recognition, specifically by leading trainings, publishing shareable content, and demonstrating your expertise.

    A powerful sistahood of Black women entrepreneurs
    In addition to serving government agencies and mainstream accelerators and BSO's, our coaches serve as the sole and vetted coaches for the Sistahbiz Global Network, our mother entity. When you become an SGN coach, you become a part of the larger Sistahbiz family.

    Coaches Academy


    Summer Cohort Academy: June 2024


    Winter Cohort Academy: October 2024

    The average costs of building a successful independent coaching practice can sneak up on you.
    Costs often include scheduling tools, client/coaching management software, data and tech support, marketing costs (copywriters, digital marketing, ads, brand materials etc.), and administrative and back office staff. SGN Coaches access these services and tools upon certification.


    Cost of Certification:
    A one-time fee of $2999 for academy enrollment

    Certification costs do NOT include air and lodging for the academy’s kickoff retreat, nor Sistahbiz annual membership.
