The SGN Vetted Service Provider Network

Growing a successful service-based business? SGN is looking for accounting, operations and marketing professionals to provide back office and marketing services to our members and outside networks.

    An Unprecedented Way to Build a Loyal Clientele

    You are amazing at what you do, but you need to reach the entrepreneurs who need your services. As a Sistahbiz Vetted Service Provider, we help you make that happen. We have an online community of Black women entrepreneurs who are looking, well…for you. We vet you. Then we match you with Black women entrepreneurs who need your services. Your business grows. Our women
    entrepreneurs succeed. Everybody eats.

    An Audience of BIPOC Entrepreneurs

    With over 300 members in 26 states, a Facebook group of 2.8k members and an email list of 6k, our online community is the hub and haven for Black women entrepreneurs. Members leverage the Sistahbiz community to find training, coaching and service providers like you. Most of our clients are micro-businesses with less than 10 employees and need outsourced back office support to thrive and grow. Our solid vetting and onboarding process makes it easy for them to find referrals they can trust. 

    A Full Clientele Without the Major Marketing Costs

    Being a Vetted Service Provider is a great way to generate leads and increase exposure. As a VSP, you have a front stage spotlight with our audience as a presenter of our monthly 30-minute seminars. You can quickly build a loyal client base by retaining clients referred to you from our network. We invest in paid ads and marketing campaigns to promote our network and service providers. We also directly contract with VSP's to provide services for our nonprofit programs.

    In addition, we produce a Buy Black directory for our allies and mainstream networks and vetted service providers are listed and referred regularly when requests for referrals come in to us.

    Who Are We Looking For?

    • Your target market is Black women and other BIPOC entrepreneurs
    • Small boutique agencies that provide implementation and back office services for business
    • Web designers, graphic designers and other creatives
    • Project managers, administrative assistants, bookkeepers, operation managers
    • Customer service reps, sales rep, data analysts and grant writers
    • You have 3+ years of experience in your craft, high quality work, and excellent customer service
    • You have experience working with BIPOC entrepreneurs
    • Your business could benefit from monthly referrals

    A 6-Week Vetted and
    Onboarding Process

    Sistahbiz Vetted Service Providers complete  a 6-week mastermind for vetting and onboarding. The 6-week period includes vetting and preparation to ensure that Sistahbiz Vetted Service Providers have the following in place by end of program:

    A 6-Week Vetted and Onboarding Process

    Sistahbiz Vetted Service Providers complete  a 6-week mastermind for vetting and onboarding. The 6-week period includes vetting and preparation to ensure that Sistahbiz Vetted Service Providers have the following in place by end of program:

    • Provider meets SGN professionalism and brand standards
    • Provider has turnkey processes and standardization in place
    • Provider has an effective service delivery team
    • Provider has effective systems for customer management
    • Provider has documented social proof and review

    Vetted Service Provider
    Admission Dates

    We invite 15 new service providers to join the network in each cycle.


    Winter Admissions Launch Date: January 21, 2023


    Program Start Date: February 18, 2023


    Program Information Webinar: January 28, 2023

    Complete the form below for an invite to the informational webinar.
